Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spirituality and Our Receiving


Love Receives Too

Love Is Regardless of Feelings

Jun 1, 2015

Saying For Today: Love is as much about receiving as giving. Receiving is not less an act of Love than giving.


Living in LOVE beyond Beliefs



*Love, Chitra Aiyer, Flickr

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If you are seeking Love, Love is seeking you; when you have found Love, Love has found you. Stop, and recognize this truth, that you are already Home. Seeking and being sought are one and from Home to Home. Realize this in yourself, and you will never trust you are unloved again, for you realize within that feeling unloved you receive Love, for feeling unloved is the expression of Love. It is only that we have been taught that feeling loved alone shows Love. So, many of us were set up to live much of our lives on earth believing that feeling unloved means the absence of being loved. Then, since we were set up that way, when Loved showed up as feeling loved, we did not know what to do with It. We did not know that we were simply to let It do. So, see, you could never be unloved, meaning never apart from Love. Simply, do not repress or run from the feeling of being unloved: let It open itself to you, and you will see Love, like the bud of the Rose nestled inside the petals of feelings of love and unlove.

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In Grace, there is harmony between giving and receiving. Sometimes, you give more; sometimes, you give less. Sometimes, you receive more; sometimes, you receive less. Love is as much about receiving as giving. Receiving is not less an act of Love than giving. Love is, equally and each - giving and receiving - a gift. In some sense, whether I give or receive, I am participating in the single motion of Love, the solitary-yet-all-embracing expression of Life. And there is consciousness beyond giving and receiving, and this is Life Itself, this is where we can rest and learn to live from - the Source of giving and receiving. At some point, you have to give up understanding all this, give up trying to get it right, give up trying to get a balance. Just live, and forget about getting all this right. Just begrace and be begraced, and give up the guilt that you fail or the pride that you succeed. And to say "Just live" is to say "Just love," and that you will never know how to get right or be able to explain, to yourself, to anyone. In the grace of Grace, step outside yourself and see what giving and receiving arises. You may be surprised at what you had repressed in your effortfulness and attachment to doing. Is this too simple? Just Love.

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This Land Was Made for You and Me

*This Land was Made for You and Me, Jim Boud, Flickr

*Lotus of the Heart is a Work of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi ~ yet, herein is nothing he claims as his own.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spirituality and Our Receiving

©Brian Wilcox 2024